The 63rd Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Lions’ Club Fish Fry will be happening on June 5th and June 6th 2010 at Lions’ Park, also knows as the Airplane Park.
The annual Fish Fry helps to raise money for local schools, clubs and organizations in the community.
I have enjoyed going to the Fish Fry almost every year since I was a child. During almost all of that time, it has been at the Airplane Park. I believe there was a year or two where it was held at OCC before being moved back to Lions’ Park.

Now, carrying on this tradition, I take my children each year. My older son even knows that it comes at the beginning of June and has been asking when it is for the last few weeks.
In addition to a fish fry, there are games like ping pong ball toss in to a fish bowl to win a fish. There are also the typical carnival games as well as carnival rides.
In addition, there is also the baby contest for those between 6 and 24 months. This year, the Fish Fry Baby Contest will occur on Sunday, June 6th at 1:00 pm. Mail-in registration will be accepted through May 31, 2010. So, if you have a cute baby, you can pick up a registration form at Cal’s Camera or download it from and get it turned in quickly.

If you have not had the opportunity to experience the Fish Fry, make the time to come out for an hour or two, have a great time and help raise some money for our local school and clubs in our community. If you’ve been there before, you know how much fun you can have in just a few hours.
There are also booths for food and even to learn more about the history of Costa Mesa.
I know we can’t wait, and hope you will have a great time as well.
What is your favorite memory of the Fish Fry? Please share it below.